I Am A Chiropractic Soldier in Ashland OH

I Am A Chiropractic Solder in Ashland OH

Chiropractic Ashland OH Warrior Blog

"Dedicated to the chiropractic pioneers, past, present and future.

Read on for words to live by at our clinic in Ashland OH.

Chiropractic in Ashland OH

I am a chiropractic soldier.  I fight medical degradation and ignorance about chiropractic  I have been taught by chiropractic warriors, trained by experience, tried by adversity, and tested by fire.  I am a volunteer in this army.  No one made me go to chiropractic college, or to practice chiropractic.  I am enlisted for all eternity.  I will either retire from this army or be silenced by age, but I will never get out, sell out, be talked out, or pushed out.  I am faithful, reliable, capable, and dependable.  I know I can be used by God in this work, and I am there.  If there is a patient who needs to be adjusted, I am there.  If there is a DC who needs the teaching and counsel I can give, I am there.  If there is a leadership role for me, I am there.  If there is no leadership role, God can still use me in this work, because I am there.

I believe that God gave the Palmers the knowledge of the innate principle in chiropractic; that it was given for His people, and that God has factored me in this true "health plan".  I believe that my purpose is to adjust and clear out my patients, and instruct them about health and where it originates.  I locate subluxations, adjust, and teach hope in innate healing concepts, whether they are rich or poor, whether they pay or not, whether they are appreciative or not.  I do not work for money and no one can pay me for an adjustment if I so wish.  I am so committed, so passionate, so anxious to correct the next subluxation that my healing persona attracts large numbers of patients who need my adjustments.  My hope is that each patient will love chiropractic as I do, and educate themselves to the point where they want their subluxations managed for life!  I believe that each patient who comes to me is from God, and that I have His hope with me in the exactness of His innate intelligence, to heal and maintain normal physiology.  I stand up for, and speak out for this principle and never accept a secondary role when it comes to sickness or health.

I am not a baby.  I know my mission.  I do not need to be pampered, petted, primed up, pumped up, picked up, or pepped up.  I do not need the cuddled, cradled, cared for, or catered to.  I am a chiropractic soldier.

No one has to call me to the office.  No one has to remind me, write me, visit me, entice me, or lure me.  I am a chiropractic soldier.  Whatever it takes to put the chiropractic message across, I am ready to give and get it done.  I am committed to this duty and I never give up.  I do not let anyone make me negative about chiropractic.  I do not lose faith in innate or the adjustment because healing or pain relief is not quick enough.  No one can degrade chiropractic without me taking a stand, I cannot have my feelings hurt bad enough to turn me around.  When I signed up for chiropractic, I had nothing.  If I end up with nothing, I will still come out ahead.  I will win because I have kept the faith.  My God has and will continue to supply all my needs.  I take credit for the mistakes I have made and suffer through my symptoms when I have over-stressed my body.  I am committed to being a better adjuster, a better doctor, a better encourager, a better teacher, and a better student of chiropractic.  Health politics cannot defeat chiropractic.  Leaders cannot disillusion me, they cannot merge, mingle or maim the chiropractic principle enough to make me quit.  Fraudulent practices in health care cannot weary me.  Insurance companies, who devalue the adjustment and long term care, cannot beat me.  Money cannot change me or buy me.  Governments cannot silence me, I am a chiropractic soldier.  I was given chiropractic as a life's work.  I will be faithful.  Even death cannot destroy me, for I will live on in my family and friends who are soldiers and in the memory of those whom God has led me to help, encourage, and train in this army.  Together we will never give up and we will never turn around.  We will never settle for the drippings from the medical table.  We will never let our healing principle be lost into medical treatments for symptoms.  We will never stop until there is equality with other doctors and there is true unity in our own ranks.  We will never stop vital research of the subluxation complex.  We are soldiers.  Here we stand."

"A Chiropractor's success story: Volume Practice II" by Thomas Morgan, DC

Words I live by.

Live In Victory,

Dr. Jen Pamer


9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

11:00am - 2:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Victory Chiropractic

1062 Commerce Parkway
Ashland, OH 44805

(419) 281-1000