Weight Loss and Chiropractic in Ashland OH

Is weight loss one of your New Year's resolutions? Have you tried to lose weight before and find that no matter how hard you try the weight is slow to come off? Or maybe you lose a little but quickly reach the plateau that prevents you from losing even just 1 more pound. We hear this a lot from our patients in Ashland OH. Let's look at the science behind weight loss. The old adage of burn more calories than you take in seems like a simple enough explanation, but many people find that even after major calorie slashing their body seems to hold on to EVERYTHING, and they just end up being MORE HUNGRY and still overweight. Losing body fat is a challenge that connects with overall body function. Losing body fat while gaining and keeping muscle revolves around proper body chemistry.
Weight Loss Help in Ashland OH
Balancing body chemistry derives from balancing hormones. The nervous system is the master controller and regulator of all hormones. Interference occurs within the central nervous system whenever a spinal vertebra misaligns or moves incorrectly, resulting in a vertebral subluxation. The interference triggers an increase in stress hormones and a decrease of growth hormones through a stimulated hypothalamus. This alteration in stress hormones prevents the body's ability to reduce amino acid breakdown and recycle amino acids from the blood. In other words, if the nerve system becomes imbalanced, resulting in too much sympathetic (the fight or flight response) tone, then hormones are no longer balanced, shutting down the hormones responsible for weight loss.
A Chiropractic adjustment directly influences nerve system response which alters body chemistry, a result proven to be a major factor in helping both men and women lose weight. Sound science behind the benefits of an adjustment clearly shows the connection between spinal health and weight loss. Losing body fat is a challenge that connects with overall body function. Removing nerve system interference through the chiropractic adjustment not only balances body hormones but also creates an overall improved state of wellness. Poor spinal health exists as one major example often overlooked by almost every medical doctor, nutritionist, trainer, or weight loss strategist.
Many people who begin receiving Chiropractic adjustments find it easier to lose fat and gain muscle using their previously established regimen of diet and exercise. Chiropractic adjustments facilitate changes in body chemistry which can only be balanced within the nervous system. Creating a subluxation-free environment empowers the body to balance hormones and improve overall health.
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
11:00am - 2:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Victory Chiropractic
1062 Commerce Parkway
Ashland, OH 44805